Friday, April 25, 2008

Flawless Logic

Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun on Friday said the March 14 majority alliance “declared war on Syria when it left Lebanon. Had they been brave they would have confronted Syria on Lebanese terrain.” (Source: Naharnet)Sort of like how you were brave and confronted Syria from Paris, right, General?(Why doesn’t anyone call these people on this kind of shit?)Aoun said Premier Fouad Saniora’s Government “rejects calls to look for those missing in their land (buried in mass graves), that is why we cannot hold Syria responsible first” for the Lebanese missing in its jails. (Source naharnet)Flawless logic there, as usual. I suppose Aoun also suggest Hizbullah shouldn’t hold Israel responsible for holding Lebanese prisoners (a longstanding issue for Hizb, if I recall) either??? Maybe we can hold Saniora responsible for Samir Kuntar too, while we’re at it.I wonder if Saniora is also responsible for the crackdown in Tibet and the hunger in Zimbabwe. According to Aoun, he probably is.


JoseyWales said...

More logic:

His staunch allies Nezbo and Berri did not confront Syria then.

Now that Israel left south Leb 8 years ago (except for the Chebaa canard), why is his ally Hezbo running around with weapons "resisting"?

Ps How did this idiot make it to army general back in 1980's? It's very telling, then and now, of the caliber of many high army officers and gvmnt officials. Exhibit B is Lahoud.

Bad Vilbel said...

Oh yes. I have no freaking clue how guys like Aoun and Lahoud made it to the ranks they held in the army.

I've seen 5 year-olds more that'd be more competent.

What irks me MORE than their incompetence and flawed logic is the fact that nobody in Lebanon seems to NOTICE the flawed logic. Where's the press to raise all sorts of hell everytime these idiots make such statements? Where's the general public? In any half-decent country, people would be laughing their asses off everytime Aoun opened his mouth. He'd be treated like the village idiot he is, instead of revered.

I am a lot more irked by the people's inability to put 2 and 2 together in the bizarro world that is Lebanon. I mean, you can't really fault the politicians for pushing their "2+2=5" when they keep getting away with it.